旅游指南 贝博体彩app福尔索姆街头集市 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
典型的福尔瑟姆街头集市参加者 图片来源:Hoodline


Here's how to experience and enjoy 贝博体彩app福尔索姆街头集市, 世界上最大的皮革盛会.

贝博体彩app什么都可以, and nowhere is that more apparent than the annual Folsom Street Fair, 世界上最大的皮革盛会. Whether you're a curious onlooker or a long-term participant in these subcultures, 你会在这个免费的博览会上玩得很开心的.


在六七十年代, you would find many gay motorcycle clubs gathering at the 皮革 bars lining Folsom Street. However, the AIDS epidemic in the '80s resulted in the local government shutting down the bathhouses in this area and placing stringent regulations on the bars. The LGBTQ+ community held a street fair to come together during a harrowing time, 从那以后,福尔瑟姆街头集市一直很兴旺. Today, over 400,000 people gather to celebrate the 皮革 and BDSM community.


You see so many interesting things going on at Folsom that it's hard to figure out what to check out first.

If you love people-watching, you get to see many amazing people doing what they love. 出席者经常盛装出席, 与乳胶, 皮革, 橡胶和其他恋物癖服装出现了. 在博览会上裸体也是允许的, and you'll see some truly dazzling displays of body paint and other body accessories.

数百家供应商展示了各种各样的商品, 从手工皮鞭到漂亮的乳胶裙. You could spend all day simply walking from booth to booth and making a massive shopping list. The vendors are happy to talk about ways to safely use their products or help you try on some of the unique fetish wear.

Public play stations give you a chance to try your hand at some BDSM activities, 比如学习如何扔鞭子. You can also catch some truly mesmerizing performances at the erotic artists' stage, which gives you a thrilling look at the full range of expression inherent in 皮革 and BDSM. You'll come out of the fair with a much better understanding of San Francisco 皮革 history, 各种各样的怪癖, 以及对它带来的多元亚文化的欣赏.

许多人关注BDSM和皮革的吸引力, but the music is also exceptional if you like electronic dance, 另类音乐和独立音乐. A central main stage has live shows going the entire time, adding to the energy of the fair. 你可以看到很多新的表演, so if you want to catch concerts from up and coming bands, 花时间在这些阶段上. You might think the public play stations offer the best fun at the fair, 但这两个舞蹈区很可能占据榜首.


Folsom Street is its original home, but it has expanded to a large portion of SoMa包括第八街和第十三街. It takes place on the last weekend of September, at the end of Leather Pride Week.


  • Do 带着开放的心态进来吧. You'll find plenty of fascinating, new things to explore, along with people happy to tell you more.
  • Do 带上足够的水和防晒霜. You're going to be out in the sun all day in large crowds, so you want to prepare for the conditions.
  • Do 腾出一整天的时间来探索集市. 你会一直玩到深夜的, and it's hard to pull yourself away once you're immersed in this high-energy crowd.
  • Don't 带上你的孩子. This isn't a family-friendly event, so plan on getting a babysitter for the day.
  • Don't base your understanding of the 皮革 and BDSM subcultures on popular media, 比如《贝博体彩》." Spend some time learning about the history behind the event and what these lifestyles are like, 所以你带着正确的期望走进招聘会.
  • Don't talk to artists when they're in the middle of performing. You'll see a wide range of shows, and they need to concentrate on what they're doing. 在很多情况下, you can catch them at a booth or public play area after they're done, 现在是提问的好时机. Just make sure to check and see if they are okay with sharing information.


Don't expect to drive through SoMa during the Folsom Street Fair. You have 13 blocks closed off, and that causes traffic problems throughout the entire area. BART and Muni 都带你到这个令人兴奋的目的地. 博览会占地面积很大, so check for the station closest to where you want to get started on Folsom Street. Be aware that public transit will be crowded due to the amount of people coming into the fair.



Aaron是Digital的经理 & 社交媒体营销在贝博体彩app旅游. He has lived in San Francisco for over 9 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过7个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food too! 

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.