People sitting at a dining table, sharing food.

The Guide to Michelin Restaurants Beyond San Francisco

While San Francisco itself has some amazing Michelin-starred restaurants, 桥那边有不少餐馆,提供令人惊叹的用餐体验,非常值得一游.

米其林星级是餐厅在烹饪界所能获得的最高荣誉. Restaurants can receive one, two or three Michelin stars, and these stars can also be taken away at any time. In the past 10 years, 在贝博体彩app湾区及其周边地区,越来越多的餐厅至少获得了米其林一星, with a total of six restaurants having three stars.  

Stars are granted based on a wide range of criteria, including quality of ingredients, impressive technical skill, and a balanced menu with a wide range of flavors. Drinks offered must complement the meals accordingly. The distinction between the stars is as follows:

  • One Star: A very good restaurant in its own category.
  • Two Stars: Excellent cooking, worth a detour.
  • Three Stars: Exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey.
Three Michelin Stars

The French Laundry

6640 Washington St., Yountville

这是美国最著名的餐厅之一,自2007年以来一直拥有米其林三星. The French Laundry is truly a must-visit for any die-hard foodie. Thomas Keller, now the proud owner of a restaurant empire, 1994年开始在纳帕谷中心经营这家雄心勃勃的餐厅. Here, 你将在一个12道菜的法国菜品尝菜单与现代美国风格和食材来自餐厅的花园. 另一个独特的特点是,每道菜之间不会重复使用任何一种食材. It is also one of the most expensive restaurants on this list, at $350 per person, including service and taxes. Supplements and alcoholic beverages may be added at an additional cost. 

Visit French Laundry
Three Michelin Stars


131 North St., Healdsburg

Recognized as one of the World's 50 Best Restaurants in 2022, SingleThread是一家有55个座位的餐厅,由厨师凯尔·康诺顿和农民卡蒂娜·康诺顿夫妇共同经营. 他们的10道菜的品尝菜单(每人425美元)带着食客们进行一次完整的烹饪之旅,这些美食都是由附近农场的季节性赏金决定的. 您的日式怀石料理(多道菜)晚餐包含了日本人的热情好客精神,因为它庆祝了他们在日本和英国的培训,并融入了加州从农场到餐桌的美食.

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Two Michelin Stars


3859 Piedmont Ave., Oakland

Just over the Bay Bridge in Oakland sits Commis, 拥有米其林两颗星,是东湾精致餐饮的灯塔. 尽管多道菜的品尝菜单(每人225美元)雄心勃勃,大胆大胆, the space is small and minimally decorated, offering few distractions from the food. The 31 seats include a counter overlooking the open kitchen in the front. The food is as delicious as it is intimate.

Visit Commis
One Michelin Star


98 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., San Anselmo

A refined yet approachable restaurant, Madcap被公认为湾区当代美食的最佳餐厅之一. Located just across the Golden Gate Bridge in Marin County, 餐厅提供各种季节性的加利福尼亚和日本菜, using organic and farm-raised products. 他们的多道菜品尝菜单(每人140美元)是独一无二的,而且有很多可供选择.

Visit Madcap
One Michelin Star


400 Silverado Trail N., Calistoga

位于美丽的四季度假村和住宅在纳帕谷, Auro is a celebration of local ingredients and rural splendor. The dishes are distinctly Californian, showcasing ingredients from their lush, on-site gardens, and regional farms with meticulous technique. 他们的五道菜的品尝菜单(每人165美元)每周轮换一次,并有令人印象深刻的葡萄酒搭配. 

Visit Auro
One Michelin Star


115 De Anza Blvd., San Mateo

Wakuriya is a Japanese restaurant in the kaiseki tradition, but with a contemporary twist, located in San Mateo. 这家餐厅虽小但很庄重,而且供应一些美味佳肴. There is just one chef preparing meals for every guest, 他们都坐在一个长长的敞开的厨房柜台旁,这样你就可以看他工作了. Wakuriya提供九道菜的品尝菜单(每人158美元),每月更换一次. The place books up and reservations are accepted one month in advance, so make sure to set a reminder!

Visit Wakuriya
One Michelin Star


231 Center St., Healdsburg

顾名思义,Barndiva是在一个真正的谷仓里,但那是一个别致的谷仓. 质朴的木板加上迷人的串灯,使它成为聚会和婚礼的热点. The food is delicious and visually stunning, using seasonally inspired menus and sourcing from local farmers, ranchers, and small-batch purveyors. Their cocktail and wine program is also nothing to scoff at.

Visit Barndiva
One Michelin Star

Sushi Shin

312 Arguello St., Redwood City

This Redwood City spot radiates authenticity, offering quality fish   sourced from the Tokyo fish market. 所有的海鲜都以爱心和精确的方式呈现在整个慷慨的品尝过程中. 食客会很高兴知道,每道菜都是仔细采购的季节, ensuring only the freshest sushi dishes are served.

Visit Sushi Shin
One Michelin Star


587 St Helena Hwy., St Helena

Modern American cuisine shines at Press, which sits right on Napa's St. Helena Highway. Here, among dark wood and under lofty ceilings, you can find the largest selection of Napa wines in the world. You can also find incredible food. There is a chef's tasting menu ($195 per person), as well as an à la carte menu, that highlights locally sourced seafood, steak and produce.

Visit Press
One Michelin Star


250 California Ave., Palo Alto

主厨Anthony Secviar和侍酒师Dennis Kelly都曾师从French Laundry主厨Thomas Keller, so you know dining at Protégé will be an experience. Here you'll find New-American experimental cuisine with flair. The seven course-tasting menu is fantastic ($225 a person), and the à la carte menu available in the bar, lounge and patio, is delicious too. 

Visit Protégé
One Michelin Star

Sushi Yoshuzumi

325 E 4th Ave., San Mateo

虽然很难订到座位,但值得花时间和精力. Sushi Yoshuzumi is a place for sushi purists and focuses on Edomae sushi, a style the chef perfected during his time in Japan and New York. The setting is small and intimate, 只有八张桌子和一个厨师站,可以做出美味的烧饼.

Visit Sushi Yoshizumi
One Michelin Star

The Village Pub

2967 Woodside Rd., Woodside

Located south of the city in the charming town of Woodside, The Village Pub serves approachable, high-end American in a sophisticated setting. 他们80%的产品来自他们的合作伙伴,SMIP牧场,位于伍德赛德山. 这意味着他们使用新鲜农产品,不含合成杀虫剂、除草剂和化肥. If you're a wine lover, 他们还有一个广受好评的葡萄酒和烈酒项目,有很多选择.

Visit The Village Pub

Carol High
Carol High

Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco and the Bay Area, food & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩app》和《贝博体彩》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, her professional background included working internationally in business, nonprofits, and government. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.