Famous and Historic Hotels in San Francisco | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Fairmont hotel exterior
头山 is home to some of San Francisco's finest hotels.

Famous and Historic Hotels in San Francisco


的 city has been a cultural and economic hub for over a century, and famed hoteliers have carved out their careers here. 来自詹姆斯·C. 洪水, who founded the legendary Palace Hotel, 致马克·霍普金斯, 长期以来,这座城市的酒店经营者和酒店一直是奢华和精致的代名词. 的se hotels have hosted a who's who of famous individuals, 包括音乐家, international and local politicians, 甚至是皇室.



Located in the heart of the Presidio, this building is an historic restoration of Pershing Hall, 在军营时期,这里曾是一座社会和行政大楼. In 1994, 它被指定为国家历史地标,并被翻新为Presidio酒店. 的 hotel now offers modern 设施 such as free WiFi, a complimentary breakfast in their refurbished "mess hall", and a beautiful communal living room with a fireplace.




建于1875年,宫殿酒店获得了巨大的名声,其过度的豪华. 事实上, at the time of its construction, 它是美国西部最大的酒店,十多年来一直是贝博体彩app最高的建筑. 酒店在1906年的地震和火灾中幸存下来,并于1909年重建到现在的宏伟.  Amenities include 556 spacious rooms and suites, 健身中心, 室内游泳池, 在广受好评的Garden Court和Pied Piper餐厅享用美食. 客人还可以在休息室享受下午茶和鸡尾酒在著名的皇宫酒店的酒吧.


的 Garden Court of San Francisco's Palace Hotel
皇宫酒店是贝博体彩app无与伦比的豪华酒店之一. 信贷:@spandanar



两姐妹,特蕾莎·费尔·奥尔里奇斯和弗吉尼亚·费尔·范德比尔特,建造了这个 头山 mainstay to honor their father, Senator James Graham Fair. 就在酒店建成几周后,1906年的地震彻底摧毁了这座建筑. 的 sisters were undeterred, 并聘请了著名的女建筑师朱莉娅·摩根来重新设计他们的激情项目. 它在一年后开业,因其迷人的名人客户而闻名. 20世纪40年代, the hotel's famed Venetian Room attracted big name entertainers, 比如詹姆斯·布朗, Ella Fitzgerald, 玛琳黛德丽, 纳特·金·科尔. 1961年,托尼·班纳特(Tony Bennet)首次在这里演出《我把心留在了贝博体彩app》(I Left My Heart in San Francisco). 的 hotel features more than 600 luxurious rooms and suites, 健身中心, 全方位服务的水疗中心, and multiple dining options that serve international cuisine. 客人还可以欣赏到城市和海湾的全景,以及酒店的客房 tiki-themed郊游 to the legendary Tonga Room.




最初建于1892年,是一座维多利亚时代的私人住宅,一个多世纪后被修复, Tivoli城堡 has lived many lives. In 1917, 它是意第绪文学和戏剧协会的所在地,并在20世纪70年代成为新时代运动的重要场所. Located in the Western Addition of San Francisco, 它位于这座城市最集中的真正的维多利亚式建筑之中. B&B has stayed true to its roots, with a candy-colored exterior to match its colorful history, and beautiful rooms that reflect the splendor of Victorian times. Choose from nine rooms and suites, 与补充早餐和额外的葡萄酒和奶酪产品. 


Omni San Francisco Hotel


This splendid hotel has deep roots in the 金融区它最初是1926年作为银行设施建造的,被称为金融中心大楼. 这座建筑还因其令人难以置信的中国花岗岩外观而在当地名声大噪. After a multi-million dollar renovation, the interiors were refurbished, saving its precious Renaissance-revival architectural features. This beloved holiday destination offers 362 beautiful rooms, 设施齐全, and a famed steakhouse within the building. 的 California Street cable car stops right outside its entrance.


InterContinental Mark Hopkins Hotel


Upon opening its doors in 1926, 贝博体彩app人形容马克·霍普金斯洲际酒店“建筑完美”、“完美无瑕”." It was built on the site of the former estate of Mark Hopkins, 贝博体彩app“四大”之一,后来创建了南太平洋铁路. 这座19层的酒店设计反映了西班牙文艺复兴时期和法国城堡风格的建筑. 的 hotel's construction on steep 头山 and winged design allow it splendid views of the city and bay. 洲际酒店接待过皇室成员、国家元首、总统和各种名人. 滚石乐队曾在他们逗留期间租下整整两层楼, housing themselves and their entire entourage! 享受精心设计的房间,酒店的艺术收藏(其中包括9 壁画 描绘早期的加州),并在他们著名的餐厅Top of the Mark享用美食.




牢牢地锚定在 rock and roll history如果你是经典的粉丝,那么这个田里脊传奇是你必去的地方. It was called 的 Caravan Motor Lodge upon its construction in 1956, and was designed in the classic mid-century style. 音乐ians from David Bowie to Kurt Cobain stayed in the Phoenix. 酒店甚至声称尼尔·杨在写《贝博体彩app》的时候和他的宠物丛林婴儿住在那里。. When Chip Conley purchased the property in 1987, 他确保增加了一个停车场,大到足以让音乐家的巡演巴士过夜, attracting San Francisco's "in crowd". 的 boutique hotel still maintains its aura of cool, 用彩色的, retro-style rooms equipped with band paraphernalia. During the summer, enjoy DJ sets by their outdoor pool. 


的 Line酒店

住在哪里 in San Francisco

In the City by the Bay, you'll find hip boutique hotels, 宠物友好型载有, and hotel suites big enough for the whole family. 的re's room for everyone here!

玛迪普拉特's headshot

玛迪普拉特 is the Sr. 设计副学士 & Content at San Francisco Travel. 她在附近的马林县长大,离市中心只有一座桥. 在2020年搬到贝博体彩app后,她知道她找到了自己的大本营. 麦迪喜欢在金门公园散步,吃点心,在贝克海滩看日落.

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